The lifecycles for Windows 7, Exchange 2010, and SQL 2008 are set to end on January 14, 2020 at which point Microsoft will discontinue all support and updates for these products. What does that mean for you? If your office is using these programs, your PCs should be updated as soon as possible.
Microsoft will no longer provide updates and security patches, meaning machines operating with the Windows operating system will no longer be HIPAA compliant.
AJTC is a Microsoft Partner and can provide Microsoft risk assessments to help you determine the most seamless, cost-effective way to update your company's equipment.
Partnering with AJTC to upgrade your machines will ensure a smooth transition, reduce security threats, and provide cost-effective solutions. Let us help you stay HIPAA compliant in the new year!
Contact us today or call 708.942.8200 to get started with your assessment.